Maxing The Crow – Match List Guide

Golf Crow Blog | Match List Guide


GOLF > Match List is Golf Crow’s primary storage area for golf rounds.

An entry appears in the Match List of all participants that the scorekeeper (the person that created the match) has a mobile number for in GOLF > Players.

The scorekeeper has sole power to enter scores and save, edit, or delete a match. Other participants get real-time updates, with data shown from their perspective as teammate or opponent.

There are two Match List tabs, Active and Saved. The Active tab holds ongoing rounds while the Saved tab contains permanent records. Saved matches may be filtered by year via the blue button.

Each entry contains header information including course short name, game, and date across the top followed by player names and score along with a color coded match status indicator.

Tapping an entry in the list opens up to the scorecard for that round.

Saving a Match

From the scorecard menu (three dots at top left) select Results / Save Match to access the RESULTS screen and tap Save at top right. Note that only the scorekeeper can save it, others are read only. For now, eighteen holes must be entered to save a match.

Non-scorekeeper menus display “Results” instead of “Results / Save Match”

Non-scorekeeper menus display “Results” instead of “Results / Save Match”

Would be nice, but not an actual round!

Would be nice, but not an actual round!

Saved matches are eligible for display in the CROW tab (Match Records, Player Comparison, Player Stats, Match Leaders, Score Leaders, Junk Leaders). More on those in future posts.

If you’d prefer to not appear on the Leaders screens and prevent others that know your mobile number from looking up your Match Records or Player Stats set Privacy Mode to ON (GOLF > Settings > Privacy Mode).


Additional Details

While Match List is the primary storage area there’s a little known secondary area called the Archive. The Archive is a place to move saved matches for whatever reason, good or bad. Maybe it was a great round, maybe not so good, or maybe you were a Gallery member and don’t want it on your main list. Simply swipe left on an entry and tap Archive. To view archived matches go to GOLF > Settings > Archive. To move them back to the saved list swipe left and tap Restore Match. If your score wasn’t kept in the match (you were a Gallery invitee) you’ll also see an option to delete it.

When player names overlap the system determines a unique display name. First name last initial usually does the trick but sometimes more creativity is required. To view full names, tap Gallery on the scorecard menu or see the Match Summary Scoring section (Match Summary becomes available once eighteen holes have been entered). To identify the scorekeeper, say in an older match, tap Gallery on the scorecard menu and look for the pencil icon.

The color coded box in the middle of a Match List entry is a status indicator. Green for up, red for down, and gray for tie based on the team match or points you’ve accumulated. When green or red it forms a head and tail that always points to you (or to the scorekeeper side if you’re a Gallery invitee). Match List scores are shown relative to par and color coded (red is good here) until 18 holes are entered, upon which final tallies are shown in black.

Golf Crow can track whether results have been settled or not. In the RESULTS screen there’s a Settled column with all negative damages checked, meaning settled (green checkmark) by default. Unchecking them (red X) will highlight player name(s) in gold in the Match List. To remove the highlight the scorekeeper can return to RESULTS or left swipe the Match List entry to reveal a Settle button.

P.S. the Likes button below is inoperable, a hosting provider problem they will hopefully soon resolve. Share and Post Comment also pose challenges but the social media, email, and contact links at bottom all work.






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